Interview questions and answers practice training in Hong Kong
In the video I explain how to answer for job interview questions about your strengths and weaknesses.
For weaknesses use short time, be boring and do not give examples so they do not remember your answer. Do the opposite for your strengths. For weaknesses talk about what is obvious or can be found out easily, for example, your poor language skills.
For strengths focus on items from their list of job requirements and job descriptions and talk about those items with examples. For weaknesses you can also talk about things that are important for you so if you do not fit in, it is better for everybody that you do not work there. For example, I cannot have O.T., overtime, because I have a family I need to take care of.
So for both your strengths and weaknesses you don't talk only about your personality or skills but also about your requirements or special situations that relevant to this job environment and company culture.
Do not use childish tricks for weaknesses to talk about things that can be interpreted as strengths, like "I work too hard and and spend too much time because I want to do a perfect job." They are not stupid, they now that you do not answer the question.
Do not use model, template or sample answers
It's OK to start your Q&A practice by finding model, template or sample answers for typical interview questions. But if you want to get a job, you need to talk in a way that fits to the specifics of the job requirements, duties and to the expectations of the interviewers. Each employment situation is different and you need to be flexible and design and practise your answers for various situations.
Here are some standard, common interview questions as a starting point that you may want to think about how to answer:
- Could you introduce yourself, please?
- Why do you want this job?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- What do you know about our company and the industry?
- What do you think your job duties will be?
- How does your previous work experience relate to this position?
- Why should we hire you?
- How can we be sure that you are going to stay with us and do your best?
- Why did you leave your previous jobs?
- What will your previous bosses say about you when we contact them for reference check?
- Tell me how you overcame your biggest challenges?
- How would you act if two supervisors gave you conflicting instructions?
- How would you solve this specific problem ...?
- What decision would you make and why in this case ...?
- What is your career plan? WHere do you see yourself in 5 years?
- What have you done or study and self-development? What books do you read? What courses have you taken?

In this interview preparation course you will practise answering for expected and unexpected questions. We will go well beyond the obvious interview tips and advice. You need to understand what is behind the question. What do they really want to know? Most of the time it is not really about the question they ask. You need to understand the culture of the organisation you are applying for. The intention, the requirements.

Interviewers are looking for behaviour patterns to understand your beliefs, motivations and values. They usually have a structured interview strategy and you should have one, too. Thus, all of your answers will be congruent and professional.
They may go through your whole employment history:
Why did you leave the previous job?
What did you expect going into your next job?
What were your successes and failures?
What were your boss' strengths and weaknesses?
What will your boss say were your strengths and weaknesses when I talk to them?
I do not teach model answers because I would never hire anybody who uses them. However, I can help you come up with your unique answers and present them in an effective way. I focus on teaching how to think at a job interview so even if there is an unexpected situation, you can easily manage it.
You are going to learn why answering all the questions perfectly is still not enough to get hired. An interview is much more than that.
Most people think that reading online about job interview questions and answers in English is enough. No! You need to practice answering them and getting feedback about your answer and try new answers. Just imagine an actor who only reads his script but never practises it and the director does not give him any feedback. And the actor does not correct his mistakes and doesn't practise until perfections.
Would you give him the role in your movie?
If only one candidate takes the interview seriously and get professional training, that person has a huge advantage to everybody else. Do you want to be that well prepared candidate or you just hope for luck?
If you want to perfect your answers for the job interview questions and become a professional, skillful interviewee, please check out our price, timetable, location, contact information and call our school to book your first job interview lesson.

Some interview questions for management and leadership positions

For higher level management jobs companies tend to take the interview and the background search more seriously - at least they should.
We will talk about your leadership and management philosophy, for example:
How would you hire your team members?
When would you fire them?
How do you delegate jobs?
Who is a good leader?
Do you motivate people?
How do you build team spirit?
How do you bring out the best from your subordinates?
We will discuss how to handle stupid, meaningless or illegal questions. And you also need to think about the questions to ask in your interview and prepare them well before you enter their office.