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1-to-1 Online interview preparation course

Private online and classroom trainings for job, promotion and school admission interviews that will be conducted face-to-face or online, via the Internet by an interviewer

1. You can practise with us online (via the Internet) or come personally to our classroom.
2. You can prepare for a future interview that will be conducted online (virtual interview) or on the premise of a company, an educational institution or a government department in the traditional, face-to-face way.

All our courses that we described on our other web pages are available both online and in classroom learning. Please, read the details about the course you are interested in.

In our lessons you can prepare for a specific job interview, a promotional interview or for a school admission interview for a secondary school, a university or other educational institutions. We will go through the typical interview questions and practise possible answers with interview tips, techniques, strategies and mindsets. Get well prepared about all the specific information related to your interview before we start the first mock interview.

Preparation for your first online lesson

We can use Skype, Zoom or maybe other video chat apps or software. It is better if you use a larger monitor or screen but even your smartphone can be fine. Use the best audio quality solution for effective learning. Test whether an earphone, a headphone or an internal or external speaker provides the best audio. Make sure your microphone works well.

For your online learning choose a place where there is no background noise, for example from TV, people or street traffic.

If you are new to using online video apps or software, please learn the basics and even practise with someone so the microphone, the speaker and the camera all work well and you know how to use the important functions and settings.

You can also test and practise on your own. Use two devices, e.g. a smartphone and a computer or a laptop and get two accounts and sign in to Zoom, Skype or whatever you use on both devices with different accounts. It works even if you only have one Internet connection and you share it via a router, wifi or other ways. Be careful with the echo if the two devices are too close to each other.

What and how to improve for your interview on our mock online interview practice?

Answering for expected and unexpected questions is one of the core focus but beyond that you will learn about how to choose and implement the best interview strategy for your specific situation. For example, should you play safe or should you stand out and even polarise to increase your chances.

You may learn about frameworks, various job related contents, as well as presentation styles and energy management. You need to show the appropriate level of confidence and enthusiasm that fits to the organisation's culture and the interviewers' expectations.

Beyond the core interview techniques and depending on the job you apply for, you may be interested to learn our other modules that can help you get the job you want like leaderships, presentation and public speaking, systems thinking, marketing mindsets, negotiation strategies, English speaking improvement, communication theory.