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Payment and lesson booking information for our job interview courses


Payment methods

We accept payment by deposit and transfer to our bank accounts, by cash and by cheques. See the detailed information below.

Bank transfer or ATM cash deposit

Our bank account numbers are:

The name of the bank accounts owner as it appears: “Gregor Zoltan”.

Please, use a payment method that makes the money appear on our bank account immediately. Do not use cheque deposit. Use cash deposit at the ATM or make an ATM transfer.

After you have paid to our bank account, you need to inform us about the payment, otherwise we do not know about your payment.

If we do not receive the payment notification before the payment deadline, we may cancel your booking without notifying you.

We may ask you to present the Customer Advice to the School.

Please bring the proof of payment with you to your first lesson.

Payment by cheque

New students cannot pay by cheque.

Students who are already taking a course can make their next payment by cheque if the school agrees with it. The cheque must be made payable to “Zoltan Gregor” or the “payable to” part must be kept empty. The payment is conditionally accepted when the School receives the cheque and is regarded completed if the bank accepts the cheque irrevocably.

Cash payment

New students who want to make their payment by cash at the beginning of their first lesson can make their booking 1 day before their first lesson.

We give priority in booking to students who pay in advance.

Students who are already taking a course now can make their next course booking and pay by cash in advance in the classroom.

Other payment method information

We do not accept other payments like credit card, ETC or Octopus payments.

If there is any problem with your bank or cheque payment, we will contact you.

Payment deadlines for booking in advance

When you book a lesson or a course in advance the School gives you a payment deadline:

If you cannot keep the payment deadline or want to cancel your booking, please contact us.

Do not make payment after the payment deadline without first contacting the School and clarifying your booking status.

Other payment and booking related information

Except in cases that mentioned in the relevant Terms and Conditions:

When a mistake happens at the calculation or payment of the tuition fee, it must be corrected.